Session 9: trinity / the spirit

Session Recap:

How have you been applying what you've learned and your action plan(s)?

  • If you haven't, what has hindered you?
  • How do we overcome it this week?


If you were asked, “Who is the Holy Spirit?”, How would you respond? 

Teaching Time:

The Holy Spirit is often times a topic of mystery. Some people are afraid to talk about the Holy Spirit with the idea that things might get weird or someone might start babbling in some unknown spiritual language. Then there are other Christians that can’t quit talking about the Spirit of God. That’s why it’s so important to discuss the Holy Spirit and to know what He is here for. The Spirit is, first and foremost, God’s personal presence. The Spirit puts the desires of Christ in us. He is who moves in our heart to do the works of God. He convicts us of sin and He comforts in our sorrow. In the Bible, any time we see a description of the spirit of God, such as what is depicted in the first few verses of the Bible, the Hebrew word "ruakh" is used. Ruakh can describe an invisible, powerful energy, and necessary for life, making it a fitting description for the spirit of God. Another word we find in the book of John is that the Holy Spirit is our “Advocate” which can mean comforter, helper and intercessor. It’s also important to know that Holy Spirit gives us power. The same Spirit that gave Joseph power to interpret dreams is the same Spirit that gave Christ power to calm the seas and Paul the wisdom to write scripture. Acts 1:8 tells us that the Holy Spirit gives us power to be Christ’s witnesses and build His Church. If we are followers of Christ, Ephesians 1 tells us that the same power that caused Christ to rise from the grave, lives in us. That changes things.


Read through each of these Scriptures in the chart below. Talk about what each of these passages teaches us about the Holy Spirit.

Read John 16:7

  • Why did Christ say it was better that He send us the Holy Spirit
  • God in us is better than Jesus beside us.

Read Titus 3:3-7

  • What role does the Holy Spirit play in salvation?

Read John 15:1-17

  • How do I know if I have been filled with the Spirit?

Read Romans 8:1-11

  • What is the importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer?

Read 1 Thessalonians 5:19

  • What does it mean to “quench the Spirit”?
  • How do we quench Him?

Read Galatians 5:16-24

  • How do I know that I am walking by the Spirit?

4 Questions to help determine if you are walking by the Spirit:

  • Am I pursuing Jesus? (John 15)
  • Am I more focused on things of the flesh or of the Spirit? (Galatians 5)
  • Am I producing good fruit? (Galatians 5)
  • Am I being discipled or making disciples? (Matthew 28)

Where do we get it wrong?

  • Myth 1: The Holy Spirit only does spectacular things.
  • Myth 2: The Holy Spirit is karma or a scary force.
  • Myth 3: The Holy Spirit is reserved for super Christians.
  • Myth 4: The Holy Spirit is an extra or optional part of our faith.
  • Myth 5: The Holy Spirit comes and goes like goosebumps.
  • Myth 6: You can be saved and not be filled with the Holy Spirit. 
  • Myth 7: You are only saved or filled with the Spirit if you speak in tongues.

Action Step:

What is your next step based on our conversation today?

  • What are some practices you can put into place to ensure you are living by the Holy Spirit?

Useful Tools:

7 Ways to Quench the Holy Spirit

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