What is Culture?

At Connection Church Millen it is our prayer to be set apart in this way.  

We strive to walk in the image of Christ and have these traits exhibited by everyone.  We believe wholeheartedly that by being an equipped body of disciple makers, these cultures will be best represented. 


At Connection Millen we say that Connect Groups are "Where Real Life Change Happens".  This is where 6-12 people meet weekly in homes and share their walk with Christ with each other.  

If you would like more information about Connect Groups, please CLICK HERE


Whether in our community or across the seas, our prayer is that "Every Member Lives Missionally".  This means we are all people with a purpose to reach those that are lost wherever they are. 

If you would like to request info about Mission work, please CLICK HERE


Throughout scripture we can observe that "Saved People Serve People".  We believe that seeing what Christ has done for us should invoke a heart for serving others in the same manner. 

For more information about how to serve, 



At Connection Millen we believe "The Gospel Creates Generous People".  Whether it is with our time, gifts, or finances; we strive to be a people who pour back into the church and into the community. 

For more information on how to give, 



Worship is the overflow of our proper heart for God. It is our desire to lift His name up "above every other name".  Our ability to worship is directly related to our view of God. The depth and authenticity of our worship of God flows automatically from our concept of God, from who we think He is. A true worshipper is someone who seeks to put God first in every area of their lives.  Worship isn’t just raising our hands and singing on Sunday, it’s a life lived to see Jesus receiving our FIRST and our BEST in everything we do; in our time, our treasures and our talents.


Prayer is the foundation on which all of our cultures sit.  We can't connect people to a growing relationship with Jesus if we are disconnected from him ourselves. We encourage everyone to seek Him daily and in all matters of their lives.