Session Recap:
How have you been applying what you've learned and your action plan(s)?
- If you haven't, what has hindered you?
- How do we overcome it this week?
How would you define a humble person?
Teaching Time:
Matthew 5:5 says that "the meek (some translations say humble) will inherit the Earth". How does meekness and humility compare to each other?
Read Luke 14:7-14
- What does this passage tell us about humility?
- What does this passage say about those who try to "exalt themselves"?
Read James 4:1-10
- What does this passage teach us about being humble?
- What reason does this give on why God wants us to humble ourselves?
- How is our heart towards God revealed through our relationship with the world?
Read 2 Chronicles 7:12-18
- What does God say about those who humble themselves from His temple?
- What rewards from Heaven occurs when we show humility towards God?
- How long will God watch over and care for His temple.
Read 1 Corinthians 6:19
- What does this passage tell us about God's Temple?
- Considering what we read in 2 Chronicles, what does this passage tell us about when and where we should humble ourselves?
- Who has the ability to be forgiven of sins, healed, and have their prayers heard by God?
Read 2 Samuel 12:1-13
- What does this passage teach us about humility?
- What drove David to repentance in verse 13? How does humility relate to repentance?
- What does this passage teach us about God's heart for honesty and submission before Him?
Where do we get it wrong?
- Meekness is weakness.
- Humility is just telling people your sorry and admitting your wrong.
- Humility means not using your strengths.
- Humility is thinking less of yourself.
- I don't have to completely submit to authority to be restored.
Action Plan:
- What is one area of your life where you feel you are lacking in humility?
- What are some changes you can take in how you view and approach these areas of your life?
Useful Tools
3 Things biblical humility is (and isn't)
In Christ Image Training - Humility (full series available in leadership training)