Session 1: Breaking Down the Bible


When it comes to how to study the Bible, what is the most helpful thing you have learned?

Teaching Time:

As it says in Hebrews 4:12, the Word of God is living and active. It means exactly what it says which separates it from any other book. Not only do we read it, but it reads us. All Scripture is God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). What that means is God wrote it. The best way to look at it is that God is the author and men were the pen that put it in ink what God wanted to say to us. The Bible is the way we can begin to know God, to learn what He’s like and see how He loves His people. It’s also important to learn how the Bible is broken up. Context is absolutely essential when it comes to studying to Bible. Finally, themost important thing is that we apply what we read to out lives. Let’s take some time to break down the layout of the Bible as well as looking at a method we could use to allow the bible to be more impactful and applied to our lives. (S.O.A.P) 


What is the difference between the Old Testament and New Testament? 

  1. The Old and New Testaments complement one another. The Old Testament is much bigger than the New Testament. There are 39 books in the Old Testament, containing 929 chapters. The New Testament tells the story of how God fulfilled the promises of the Old Testament, by coming into the world in the person of Jesus, his Son.
  2. Every story of the Old Testament pointed to Jesus.

(Ex. Abraham and Isaac, Moses and the Israelites, Joseph and his brothers.)

How is the Bible broken down?

  • Genesis - Esther = Historical Books of Old Testament
  • Job - Song of Solomon = Writings of God’s People
  • Isaiah - Malachi = Writings of the Prophets
  • Matthew - Acts = Historical Books of the New Testament
  • Romans - Jude = Letters (from specific people to specific people)
  • Revelation = Prophetic Vision from God to John

Read John 5:39-40

  • Why do we read the Bible? 
  • How does reading the Bible to know God change the way you read it?
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
  • What does this teach us about the Bible?
  • What does it mean that “all Scripture is God breathed"?
  • What is Scripture useful for? What does it look like for God’s Word to teach us? Rebuke us? Correct us? Train us? 
  • What does it mean for the Bible to be the “ultimate” authority in your life?
  • How does it change the way we read God’s Word when it has the ultimate authority in our lives?
Read Hebrews 4:12
  • What does this teach us about the Bible?
  • What does it mean that the Word of God is living and active?
  • How do we know when God is speaking to us through His Word? 
Read Romans 12:2
  • What does it look like for God’s Word to renew our minds? 
  • How do we know God’s will for our lives? 
  • What happens when our mind is not being renewed by God’s Word? 

How to Read and study the bible


  • Read or even physically write out the Bible verse
  • What do you see in the verses you’re reading?
  • When God’s Word becomes personal
P Prayer
  • Pray God’s Word back to Him

Helpful Hint: We must assume anytime that we read parts of scripture that we may not agree with, that we are in error and scripture is correct and we must bend to it’s standards and not try to bend scripture to fit our circumstances.

Where do we get it wrong?!

  • Most people read the bible for information instead of for transformation.
  • The Bible is too hard to understand.
  • The Bible is just a rule book.
  • The Bible is not relevant to my life.
  • The Bible is not trustworthy.
Action Plan:
  • Choose a Bible reading plan to go along with your discipleship.  Utilize the S.O.A.P. method of reading to allow the Word of God to change your life as you apply what He is showing you.

Useful Tools

Bible Book Classification Chart

Literary Styles

Bible Project

Bible Reading Plan

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