

Are you ready?!

Teaching Time:

Congratulations! You’ve walked through some of the most important topics of Christianity. Our prayer is that you have grown in your understanding of the faith and feel equipped to now be sent out to be a witness and a disciple-making disciple for God’s Kingdom. Our hope and prayer is that you will be a disciple maker for the rest of your life! We pray your time is meaningful and fruitful as you continue on in your journey. Always remember that as we follow Christ, the best is always yet to come.

Application Questions:

Read Acts 1:8

  • What does understanding that you are a part of these “witnesses” that Jesus is sending out change your mindset towards disciple making?

  • During this process, what are some topics that have stuck out to you most?

  • What did these topics teach you that you didn’t already understand?

  • What does it mean to be “commissioned”?

an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people.”

  • How can I help you as you begin this process of making Disciples?

As you leave this last session explain that the Great Commission was literally Jesus commissioning and “sending out” the disciples. Explain that you are echoing Jesus’ words to them and read Matthew 28:18-20 as if it were meant for them. Then read them the following paragraph, using their name.


“As you are being commissioned to go out as one of God’s “sent ones” to make disciples of all nations and to see the Great Commission fulfilled, know that you are joining a long line of faithful disciple-makers. These people, through the power of the Holy Spirit, have continued the work that Jesus began. Know that you too have that same Holy Spirit, leading, guiding and empowering you to do the things that you have been called to do. Depend on Him. Rely on Him and never give up. For the rest of your days, commit to going where He says go, and doing what He says do, making disciples all along the way and I promise you will see a move of God like you never imagined!”